Tucson Festival of Books

Jose Hernandez Díaz

Veronica Navarro

Jose Hernandez Diaz is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow. He is the author of "The Fire Eater," "Bad Mexican," "Bad American," "The Parachutist," and "Portrait of the Artist as a Brown Man." He has been published in The American Poetry Review, The Yale Review,The Iowa Review, Huizache and other literary journals. He teaches at the University of Tennessee.

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Awards: National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship - Poetry

Communities: Hispanic or Latinx

Scheduled events:
Fearless Forms
How can poets challenge traditional boundaries of form, voice and structure to produce innovative writing? Through prose poetry, visual poetry, and other experimental techniques, three fearless poets discuss how they push the limits of craft.

Student Union Kiva (Seats 100)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sat, Mar 15, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Signing area: Sales & Signing Area - UA Campus Store, Main Floor (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Jose Hernandez Díaz, Amber McCrary, m.s. RedCherries
Moderator: Estella Gonzalez
Reshaping American Poetry
Poets explore themes of self, belonging, and resistance in relation to American identity. Through personal and cultural lenses, these authors redefine what it means to aspire, succeed, and struggle in contemporary America, reshaping complex stories of resilience and hope in the wake of the election.

Student Union Kiva (Seats 100)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Signing area: Sales & Signing Area - UA Campus Store, Main Floor (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Jose Hernandez Díaz, Octavio Quintanilla, Danez Smith
Moderator: Paola Valenzuela
Poetry of Identity
Three poets - Jose Hernandez Díaz, m.s. RedCherries (Northern Cheyenne Nation), and Leo Romero - discuss themes of Latine and Indigenous identity and inheritance in their work.

Nuestras Raíces Stage (Seats 150)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Signing area: Pima County Public Library/Nuestras Raíces/Craft Tent & Signing Area (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Jose Hernandez Díaz, m.s. RedCherries, Leo Romero
Moderator: Lindsey Curley

Bad Mexican, Bad American
Acre Books
March 2024
ISBN 9781946724731
82 pages

The Fire Eater
Texas Review Press
January 2020
ISBN 9781680032086
45 pages