Tucson Festival of Books

Kim Tomsic (she, her, hers)

Kim Tomsic was a classroom conversationalist and got in trouble (a lot!) with teachers for talking. The trouble spanned from the East Coast to the West Coast, because she was a military brat and the new girl at eight different schools. In between friendships, she discovered that a good book can be a welcomed companion. Kim lives in Arizona with her family and dog. Her new book is "The Truth about 5th Grade." 

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Communities: Arizona Author

Scheduled events:
Middle Grade Carousel: Invitations to Adventure
Meet a bunch of authors in 60 minutes as they share their new books filled with invitations to adventure. Each author will be seated at a table to talk with a small group about their newest book. Every eight minutes the authors will rotate to a new table in our version of author speed-dating.

Education 211 (Seats 200)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sat, Mar 15, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Signing area: Signing Area - Children (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Tom Angleberger, Kim Bussing, J.C. Cervantes, Megan E. Freeman, Gale Galligan, Leah Johnson, Rosanne Parry, Jose Pimienta, Kim Tomsic
Moderators: Magdalena Castillo-Cockrum, Caryl Crowell
Writing a Middle Grade Novel to Engage Readers
Three debut authors of middle grade novels share their strategies for writing to engage middle grade readers, including how to find an agent and publisher.

Education Room 351 (Seats 46, Wheelchair accessible)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Signing area: Signing Area - Children (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Violet Duncan, John Schu, Kim Tomsic
Moderator: Hilary Taber

The Truth about 5th Grade
HarperCollins Publishers
August 2024
ISBN 9780063038714
192 pages

The 12th Candle
HarperCollins Publishers
September 2020
ISBN 9780062654984
336 pages