Tucson Festival of Books

Silvana Salcido Esparza

Silvana Salcido Esparza is a renowned Mexican-American chef and culinary visionary, celebrated for her commitment to preserving the rich heritage of Mexican cuisine. Born into an 800-year baking legacy, she immersed herself in the culinary traditions of Mexico through extensive travel, studying the diverse regional flavors and techniques from the ancestral cooks that helped shape her cooking philosophy. She comes to the festival with a memoir entitled "La Hija de la Chingada."

Arizona author

Communities: Arizona Author, LGBTQ+, Gender Nonconforming, Hispanic or Latinx

Scheduled events:
Lives in Food and Drink
Taming nature to cultivate food and drink can create joy or immense heartache, often at the same time. Preparing that bounty for others is no small feat either. Join three intrepid adventurers who have braved the culinary establishment in different ways.

Koffler Room 216 (Seats 89, Wheelchair accessible)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sat, Mar 15, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Signing area: Sales & Signing Area - UA Campus Store Tent (on Mall) (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Silvana Esparza, Steve Friesen, Steve Hoffman
Moderator: Donna Nordin
SW Books of the Year - Food and Memory
Food is a thing of tradition, family, love, identity, and sometimes of resistance. In this panel, three noted students of food in all its aspects, come together to share their knowledge. Chef Silvana Salcido Esperza, Melani Martinez, and Kate Christensen, will talk about their adventures at table.

UA Library/Special Collections (Seats 110)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Southwest Books of the Year
Signing area: Sales & Signing Area - Integrated Learning Center (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelists: Sydney Graves, Silvana Esparza, Melani Martinez
Moderator: Gregory McNamee

La Hija de la Chingada: Chronicles from a Mexican Chef in the U.S.A
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
Chef Silvana
May 2024
ISBN 9798989450435