Tucson Festival of Books

Patricia Jean Boomsma (she/her)

Patricia Boomsma is a former Arizona lawyer now enjoying her retirement by writing and working on her fiber art. Her publications include short stories in Scarlet Leaf Review, Persimmon Tree and Vignette Review. Indolent Press published her poem Arc of the Apocalypse both online and in the anthology Poems From the Aftermath. Her first novel, "The Way of Glory" (Edeleboom Books 2018), won the Bill Fisher Award for Best First Book-Fiction from the Independent Book Publishers Association and a First Place/Best in Category Chaucer Award from Chanticleer Book Reviews. Bedazzled Ink Publishing published her second novel "Flotsam" in September of 2023 and her third novel, "Crosswind" in October of 2024.

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Scheduled events:

Fiction / Literature
Bedazzled Ink Publishing/BInk
October 2024
ISBN 9781960373458
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Mystery / Thrillers
Bedazzled Ink Publishing/BInk
September 2023
ISBN 9781960373120
174 pages
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