Tucson Festival of Books

Debra VanDeventer (she/her)


Debra VanDeventer is a former educator who now channels her creative energies int writing.  Her style can best be described as creative nonfiction as moments bloom into words. In addition to "Until Italy: A Traveler's Memoir" she is the author of "Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life." Her stories have appeared in The Desert Leaf and Oro Valley Style magazines. She is an active member of the Oro Valley Writer's Forum and The Arizona Authors Association.

Debra currently lives in Arizona where she enjoys hiking, sewing and spending time with friends and family.

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Scheduled events:

Until Italy: A Traveler's Memoir
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
self-published on Amazon
April 2024
ISBN 9798322136507
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