After 42 years of marriage, Susan’s husband suddenly developed the annoying habit of dating, and she suddenly became single. She turned to wine, family, wine, friends, wine and her writing. Her meals ranged from Cheerios to Wheat Chex (when she craved something healthy) to Honey Bunches of Oats, eaten right out of the box, and polished off with wine.
Named Outstanding Broadcast Journalism graduate at Arizona State University, she promptly abandoned the camera for writing. She didn’t have to style her hair every morning.
Reporting for small newspapers in Colorado, Susan freelanced articles for The Rocky Mountain News and published poetry in The Denver Post. She edited business publications and company magazines for a publications firm. She even re-wrote training manuals for a life insurance corporation.
As grandchildren began appearing, she envisioned focusing more on being Nana. But then her husband’s darn dating habit appeared. Stumbling through the first months of suddenly single, Susan saw life from a very pointy angle that required cushioning if I was going to thrive. Humor smoothed out the rough edges and allowed her to realize a good story eases the struggle. "Wine and Cereal: An Irreverent Look at Sixtyish and Single" is the result of these stories.
Susan now lives her best life chronicling her foibles and those of her sons, friends, grandchildren, dogs and ageing. Of course, she enjoys a glass or two of good wine each evening.