Tucson Festival of Books

Michael Norton

Michael Norton, a professor at the Harvard Business School, comes to the festival with his second book: "The Ritual Effect." In it, he suggests that mindfully changing our "habits" into "rituals" can bring even our most mundane tasks to life.

Norton studies human behavior as it relates to love and inequality, time and money, and happiness and grief.  At one point his research provided the final answer on the game show Jeopardy. His Tedx talk, How to Buy Happiness, has been viewed more than 4.5 million times. 

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Scheduled events:
A Meeting of the Mindset
In his new book, "The Ritual Effect," author Michael Norton suggests we renew our focus on everyday habits. By turning our habituals into rituals, we can bring color and clarity to even the most mundane moments of our lives.

Arizona Daily Star Stage (Seats 250)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Current Issues / Politics / Social Science
Signing area: Signing - Arizona Daily Star (following presentation)  View this venue on the Festival map

Panelist: Michael Norton
Moderator: John Humenik

The Ritual Effect
From Habit to Ritual, Harness the Surprising Power of Everyday Actions
Current Issues / Politics / Social Science
Simon and Schuster
April 2024
ISBN 9781982153021
288 pages

Happy Money
The Science of Happier Spending
Simon and Schuster
January 2013
ISBN 9781451665079
197 pages