Tucson Festival of Books

Secrets, Betrayals and Forgiveness

Join Jillian Cantor, Tracey Enerson Wood, and Ann Hood as they discuss the impact of secrets and betrayal on individuals and relationships, the challenges of confronting the past, and the potential for healing and forgiveness.

Jillian Cantor

Jillian Cantor is the bestselling author of 12 novels for teens and adults, the latest being "The Greatest Lie of All." Over the last 12 years has had a series of hits, from "Margot" to "The Lost Letter" to "Beautiful Little Fools....

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Tracey Enerson Wood

Tracey Enerson Wood loves discovering amazing women whose stories have been lost to history, and bringing them to life for today’s readers. She has penned numerous award-winning plays, written a monthly health column for a national magazine, reviewed restaurants for several local magazines, and written two screenplays....

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Ann Hood

A Rhode Island native, Ann Hood spent high school modeling for the Jordan Marsh department store. After graduating from the University of Rhode Island, she was a flight attendant for TWA. She wrote her first novel, "Somewhere Off the Coast of Maine," on international flights and on the subway out to JFK....

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The Greatest Lie of All
Jillian Cantor
Fiction / Literature
Harlequin Audio
December 2024
ISBN 9780778310914
320 pages
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Katharine, the Wright Sister
Tracey Enerson Wood
Fiction / Literature
Sourcebooks Landmark
January 2024
ISBN 9781728257877
448 pages

Life's Short, Talk Fast
Fifteen Writers on Why We Can't Stop Watching Gilmore Girls
Ann Hood
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
W. W. Norton
November 2024
ISBN 9781324079453
208 pages