Tucson Festival of Books

Lives in Food and Drink

Taming nature to cultivate food and drink can create joy or immense heartache, often at the same time. Preparing that bounty for others is no small feat either. Join three intrepid adventurers who have braved the culinary establishment in different ways.

Silvana Esparza

Silvana Salcido Esparza is a renowned Mexican-American chef and culinary visionary, celebrated for her commitment to preserving the rich heritage of Mexican cuisine. Born into an 800-year baking legacy, she immersed herself in the culinary traditions of Mexico through extensive travel, studying the diverse regional flavors and techniques from the ancestral cooks that helped shape her cooking philosophy....

Arizona author

Steve Friesen

Steve Friesen has written numerous articles about American history, has appeared in documentaries about the West and is currently a contributing editor for True West magazine. He received his MA from the Cooperstown Museum Program, associated with SUNY Oneonta and worked in museums for over 40 years....

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Steve Hoffman

Author of "A Season For That," Steve Hoffman is a Minnesota tax preparer and food writer. His writing has won multiple national awards, including the 2019 James Beard M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award....

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La Hija de la Chingada: Chronicles from a Mexican Chef in the U.S.A
Silvana Esparza
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
Chef Silvana
May 2024
ISBN 9798989450435
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Galloping Gourmet
Eating and Drinking with Buffalo Bill
Steve Friesen
History / Biography
U of Nebraska Press
December 2023
ISBN 9781496236807
320 pages
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A Season for That
Lost and Found in the Other Southern France
Steve Hoffman
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
July 2024
ISBN 9780593240281
368 pages
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