Tucson Festival of Books

Star Wars Origami Yoda Folding Workshop for Children

Join Tom Angleberger for an origami demonstration workshop to learn how to fold his universal puppet and then create your own favorite Star Wars characters

Tom Angleberger

Tom Angleberger, bestselling author of the "Origami Yoda" series, is known for his humorous and engaging children’s books. His works include "Horton Halfpott", "Fake Mustache", the "Inspector Flytrap" series, "Geronimo Stilton: The Sewer Rat Stink", and "Two-Headed Chicken....

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Dino Poet
A Graphic Novel
Tom Angleberger
Abrams Fanfare
March 2025
ISBN 9781419772801
96 pages
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Strange Case of Origami Yoda (Origami Yoda #1)
Tom Angleberger
Harry N. Abrams
March 2015
ISBN 9781419715174
208 pages
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