Tucson Festival of Books

Southwest Books of the Year

The desert Southwest is much-discussed but often misunderstood. The four writers on this panel have each traveled deep into the landscape both physically and emotionally, from the Grand Canyon to Lake Powell, the San Andreas Fault to the wilds outside Tucson. They'll share how the region informed their sense of self and their writing

Zoe Bossiere

Former Tucsonan Zoë Bossiere comes to the festival with their first book, a memoir entitled "Cactus Country." Bossiere is also the managing editor of Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction, and co-editor of the anthologies The Best of Brevity and The Lyric Essay as Resistance: Truth from the Margins....

Kevin Fedarko

Kevin Fedarko has spent the past 20 years writing about adventure, exploration and the Grand Canyon. He has been a staff writer at Time magazine and a senior editor at Outside....

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Forrest Gander

Forrest Gander, born in the Mojave Desert, lives in California. A translator/writer with degrees in geology and literature, he’s received the Pulitzer Prize, Best Translated Book Award, and fellowships from the Library of Congress, Guggenheim and US Artists Foundations....

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Zak Podmore

Zak Podmore is an award-winning author and journalist who has spent more than a decade writing about water and conservation issues in the western United States. He is the author of two books, "Confluence: Navigating the Personal & Political on Rivers of the New West" and his new book, "Life After Dead Pool: Lake Powell’s Last Days and the Rebirth of the Colorado River....

Cactus Country
A Boyhood Memoir
Zoe Bossiere
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
Abrams, Incorporated
May 2024
ISBN 9781419773181
272 pages
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A Walk in the Park
The True Story of a Spectacular Misadventure in the Grand Canyon
Kevin Fedarko
Memoir / Essays / Creative Nonfiction
Simon and Schuster
May 2024
ISBN 9781501183058
512 pages

Mojave Ghost
Forrest Gander
New Directions Publishing Corporation
October 2024
ISBN 9780811237956
80 pages

Life After Dead Pool
Lake Powell's Last Days and the Rebirth of the Colorado River
Zak Podmore
Southwest Books of the Year
Torrey House Press
August 2024
ISBN 9798890920027
360 pages
Buy now