Tucson Festival of Books

Up Your Creative Genius

Patti Dobrowolski, author of the Non-Obvious Guide to Drawing Your Future, Creative Genius You: The Equation that Makes YOU Great, 9 Tips to Up Your Creative Genius, Draw Your Future: How Visual Goalsetting Will Change Your Life and illustrator of The Game of Innovation is founder of Up Your Creative Genius, a consulting firm that uses visuals and creative processes to help companies and individuals around the world accelerate growth and change. A critically acclaimed comic performer, four-time TEDx and internationally recognized speaker, writer, and business consultant, she has brought innovative visual and game-storming practices to Fortune 100 companies, government, non-profits, education, and entrepreneurs across the globe. Patti holds a master’s in psychology with an emphasis in Drama Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Her large format strategic illustrations grace the walls of Nike, Mastercard, Starbucks, Pepsico, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Seattle Space Needle to name only a few.

Her mission is to show you how a simple picture will change everything, even if you can't draw!

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