All other venues will be available on a first-come, first-seated basis .
All Fast Passes are reserved through the Tucson Festival of Books website
Friend of the Festival members may access Fast Passes on Wednesday, March 5, at noon MST - Fast Passes are available based on giving level
The general public may access Fast Passes on Monday, March 10, at noon MST - only two Passes may be reserved per 24-hour period (Monday through Friday)
A maximum of two Fast Passes per person, per event are available
Fast Passes are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis
All electronic Fast Pass reservations end Friday, March 14 at noon MST
Festival volunteers will assist guests with information; signage will be placed at each Fast Pass venue
Those holding Fast Passes must show an electronic or printed copy of the Pass to access the venue
Fast Pass holders who are in line at the venue 20 minutes in advance of the presentation will be guaranteed entry
Fast Passes are not returnable; however, you may transfer Passes to other patrons
When all Fast Passes for an event have been distributed, no additional Passes will be released
Any Fast Passes not distributed on-line will become part of general admission the day of the presentation
25% of the seats in each venue will be withheld for general admission patrons arriving the day of the presentation
Fast Passes have no cash value and may not be sold
Please be patient with our Fast Pass system. Processing may take a moment longer because of the very high traffic during generation of Fast Passes. Please do not click the submit button more than once or click the back button while your request is processing.
Please follow CDC COVID protocols when attending the festival.