The Tucson Festival of Books is a community-wide celebration of literature. Offered free-of-charge, the festival exists to improve literacy rates among children and adults. Proceeds that remain after festival expenses have been paid are contributed to local literacy programs. We are able to receive your gifts and support in several ways.
Stocks and other securities
Gifts of appreciated securities allow you to make a substantial contribution while receiving valuable income tax advantages. Generally, a donor may deduct the fair market value of the security, up to 30% of their adjusted gross income with a five-year carryover for any excess. There are two benefits to this option: The donor avoids paying capital gains taxes on the appreciation while the donated asset passes tax-free to the Festival.
These types of gifts are processed through the Tucson Festival of Books Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. Please contact Abra McAndrew at or CFSA staff at or 520-770-0800 to initiate this type of gift.
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
For those older than 70 ½ years, consider using your IRA for charitable giving. For 2024 and 2025, the maximum limits are $105,000 and $108,000, respectively, and enable you to satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) and avoid taxable income. Further, if you use the standard deduction, using a QCD is a great way to receive a tax benefit. Please contact your IRA custodian for assistance.
With regard to these charitable giving options, please feel free to contact our Board Treasurer, David J. Cohen at or your personal tax advisor for assistance.
Cash and credit
Checks or credit cards payable to the Tucson Festival of Books are generally deductible up to 60% of an individual’s adjusted gross income.
Businesses, organizations and individual annual memberships
We offer donors interested in deeper engagement with the festival several options for visibility and participation in the event: