Tucson Festival of Books

Sharon Wahl Cancelled

This author has cancelled their attendance with the Festival.

Jonathan VanBallenberghe

Sharon Wahl is a writer and documentary film producer living in Tucson, Arizona. Her collection of love stories inspired by classic philosophy texts, "Everything Flirts: Philosophical Romances," won the John Simmons Short Fiction Award and was published by the University of Iowa Press in 2024. Her stories, essays and poems have appeared in publications including Harper's, the Chicago Tribune, The Iowa Review, Harvard Review, StoryQuarterly, and Pleiades. She studied ethnomusicology at Wesleyan, math at M.I.T. and creative writing at Washington University in St. Louis. 

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Everything Flirts: Philosophical Romances
Philosophical Romances
Fiction / Literature
University of Iowa Press
November 2024
ISBN 9781609389970
172 pages