Tucson Festival of Books

Tomorrow's Bestsellers Today

The festival's annual writing contest attracted 672 entries this year, and the three winners are with us today. When did they know the write stuff? Today we will ask all three: April Darcy, D.A. Navoti and Kateri Kosek!

April Darcy

April Darcy is the first place winner for fiction in the 2025 Literary Awards Writing Competition sponsored by the Tucson Festival of Books. Her stories and essays have appeared in North American Review, Shenandoah, Terrain, and elsewhere....

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Kateri Kosek

Kateri Kosek is the first place Literary Awards winner for poetry. A college English instructor and freelance journalist, she holds an MFA from Western CT State University. She is the author of "American Eclipse," winner of the Three Mile Harbor Press Poetry Prize, and a chapbook, "Vernal....


D.A. Navoti

D.A. Navoti is the first-place Literary Awards winner for nonfiction. A storyteller, composer, and writer of the Gila River indian Community, he is the author of essays, stories, and multimedia exhibits....