In dark times, people look to poetry for hope and resilience. By mining their memories and transmuting the past into poetry, each of these panelists reveal how making sense of our personal and collective experiences can be a radical act of optimism, compassion, and generosity.
Rosa Alcalá is a poet and translator, who has published four books of poetry, including her most recent collection, "YOU." Recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowship and runner-up for a PEN Translation Award, her poems and translations have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Harper’s, The Nation, and Best American Poetry....
Perry Janes is the author of the poetry collection "Find Me When You're Ready" from Northwestern University Press. A recipient of the Pushcart Prize, his work has appeared or is forthcoming in POETRY, Electric Literature, Poem-a-Day, Zyzzyva, Threepenny Review, Best New Poets, and elsewhere....
Born in 1950 in Chacón, New Mexico, poet Leo Romero is considered a foundational figure of Latino letters. He holds an MA in English from New Mexico State University. Since 1988, he has been a bookseller in Santa Fe, New Mexico....