Laugh along with three author/illustrators whose characters may be full of mischief but who also have overflowing hearts. From "No, David" to Bad Kitty to Orin, who is not sure if he is really a champion, these characters will steal readers' hearts. Join David Shannon, Nick Bruel and Eri Lide.
Nick Bruel is the creator of the New York Times-bestselling Bad Kitty series. He lives with his family in Pleasantville, New York, along with their sometimes-good-sometimes-bad cats Rose and Noodles. His two new Bad Kitty books are "Bad Kitty: Party Animal" and "Bad Kitty Makes a Movie....
Eric Lide is an African American cartoonist with a new graphic novel, "Dragonforged: Sword of the Champion." He created the webcomics Station Square and Ozzie the Vampire, and worked as an inker on "The Adventure Zone: The Crystal Kingdom....
David Shannon is the internationally acclaimed creator of more than 40 picturebooks, including "No, David!," a Caldecott Honor Book, and a New York Times Best Illustrated Book of the Year, and four more David picturebooks....