Tucson Festival of Books

E.S. Magill

E.S. Magill fell in love with writing and the supernatural at a very young age and combined her two passions to become a dark fiction writer. She earned her B.A. and M.A. in English and dedicated herself to teaching for over twenty years. Her work has appeared in anthologies such as Blood Lite III and Wily Writers Presents Tales of Dread. She has edited three anthologies, including the acclaimed Deep Cuts, and served as Reviews Editor for a Lovecraftian-centric magazine, where she penned the column The Dark Librarian. Magill’s latest works include the mental health self-help book "Reveal Your Wings" and the Magica series, a Paranormal Family Thriller. Now retired, she lives her best life hanging out with her husband, solo camping and writing full time.

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Scheduled events:
E.S. Magill
Magica Book 1: Rise of the Cult A paranormal family thriller

Wily Writers LLC, Booth #404 (Seats 1)  View this venue on the Festival map
Sun, Mar 16, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror

Author: E.S. Magill

Magica: Book 1 Rise of the Cult
Rise of the Cult
Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror
Scribes & Scribblers Publishing
January 2024
ISBN 9781961502062
270 pages
The author will make this book available for sale at the Author Pavilion during the Festival.